Tuesday, 30 December 2003

I have been Belfasted....

Was out lastnight on the traditional route of the CR-then-Parlour. A Christmas rendez-vous with Dr A.Cnt & Cathy, fresh from their Antipodean Escapade, DrRTJMCA (who will probably now be visiting MSSL next week, under the excuse of going to an RAS meeting), Mr Smartest Person Ever (Ph.D. pending), Steve Not-Davis, and Susan.

Whilst enjoying a wee après-pub whiskey in James' place, Cathy's stomach suddenly decided to vent its frustration with the night's ingredients, so we didn't see much of herself or Dr Cnt for a wee while. I don't remember everything, but I remember a lot by my usual standards. Including displaying my random pop knowledge a bit too much, every time a new video came on VH1, MTV or the Box.

And much discussions were had about the state of things, and it was cold and wet, and everything was back to normal in my life for a while. Which was nice.

Catching the 0850 from Aldergrove to Gatwick on Friday suddenly seems very close indeed... But for now, I am very content to sit drinking tea in Augher on the big sofa, with most of the family around. Anything else seems overly ambitious.

Saturday, 27 December 2003

Salad's ready, apparently.

It's been a day of visits. Sarah+Kieran, Des+Bernie+Grace... And I've been to the Arse End Of Nowhere twice in the last 24 hours.

Just trying to book my flight back to The London now. Want to go back on Friday 02 January, and it's looking V expensive. Ryanair's mysterious �5 flights are nowhere to be seen when booking, so it's back to the traditional Stelios Airways.

Thursday, 25 December 2003

Random pre-entry thought: blogger looks very different on Internet Explorer than it does on MozillaFirebird...

Happy Christmas from Augher! And Happy Nailbiting if, like Melody (ScottDot suggested new name Magic106) Off-Of-Work, you're sitting in a control room in Leicester, waiting for Beagle 2 (see, also, our site and ESA's for more details) to call home.

Hoping, if not assuming, that that goes well, all the hairy. Certain folk (e.g. the Neil much-cited in this blog, ScottDot,...) will have to work over the coming days and weeks. But it's my longest holiday in the year. All other departures from the office which have lasted longer than a week have been work-related, I think you'll find...

Came over slightly defensive there, admittedly. Got some very clever presents this year -- guitar song book from Abi and Are You Dave Gorman? (the booook) from Sister Number 2. Major thanks to Dr Green, too, for her expert help with buying for sisters. Virgin Vie make-up was a top tip! Thanks, lady.

breaking news!!</sky news>

Our car -- a Mondeo of many years' good service -- has just died. We are now stranded a mile-and-a-half from the nearest village. mum just pointed out that something always seems to stop us from going out over Christmas. I wasn't that fussed on going out to the Hogs tonight, but tomorrow had been an option. Now all we have to do is not go stir-crazy, start any avalanches, etc.

I'll get back to you once I've finished wondering whether border collies taste nice in a sauce bernaise...

I will also get my coat.

Thursday, 18 December 2003

I feel truly awful.

I can barely type, and speaking has proved to be a Pandora's box today. Two meetings so far (the first I just made, thanks to us taking a taxi to work from the house). Abi was in no fit state to drive us in this morning, and I arrived at 11:01 for the 11:00 meeting. Smelling not unlike a distillery.

The second meeting was good, but excruciating (not in a sex-parlour way, I hasten to add). I think I may have given the poor woman passive alcohol poisoning.

I'm glad I'm leaving at 5 today. Fletch, meself and Abi are going up to see Mr Bridger.

Tuesday, 16 December 2003

Mmmmm... Thai Christmas Dinner....

We'll be going back there for the odd lunch, I think. And now I just want to sleep.......
'Tis the Solar-Stellar Group Christmas Dinner today. A lunchtime affair, so sozzlement will be under control. BUT tomorrow is the Lab Christmas Dinner. OMG....

If it was anything like last year, it'll be the most horrendously drunken lab affair of the year.

For which, read the only one... Not complaining, honest :o)

Monday, 15 December 2003

Also, a text-quote from Fraser regarding lastnight's largely-undisclosed happenings:

F: "Went to a party then came back and drank a box of wine. Rubbish"

A full box?? (G'd mornin'!)

Central Line.

Sure mightn't I be going here in February!

The conversation with Dr Matthews went along these lines:

Dr M: "What are you doing from the 1st to the 11th of February?"

Meself: [stalling in the most obvious way possible, trying to look for the 2004 diary that even Lord-Ben-the-YTS-Student knows is empty of all entries but Chris' wedding] "Um... not sure. But I'm pretty sure the answer is nothing."

Dr M: "Right... [looks at leaflet in hand, making me think I'm about to get roped into the second organising committee in a week] Because we've got time on the DST at Sac Peak and I'm really busy, so I was wondering if you'd be able to go instead?"

Meself: "I think I can definitely say a provisional ‘yes’!"

I am the king of tautology... BUT, it raises an interesting possibility. And I could tick off another telescope on the list!

Plus there's the obvious tourism benefits of a holiday work-related reconnaissance trip. Bring it on!
I was awoken this morning by the phone. Which I at first took to be the alarm that I hadn't set, until I realised it was the Neil ring-tone. It was himself after having produced HiThisIsWes. Sadly, the substance of the conversation can't be reproduced here for legal reasons. But it was a funny way to wake up, and I can't wait for the press release.

After a small debate -- as opposed to a mass debate -- the decision was taken to go on Friday evening to Nottingham, to stay with ex-flatmate Alan in his swanky Yuppy pad :o) So I drove up in the newly-ventilated AX, with the Swiss Embassy as navigator. We made it in about 3½ hours, which was reasonable going, considering we had to get there from the time-forgotten vale of Peaslake, over the hill. That we didn't end up in the 16th century is probably a minor miracle... Lucie, meanwhile, took the public transport option, which involved sleeping. This seemed preferable by the time we arrived at Alan's, despite the fact that the directions he sent us could best be described as INCOMPLETE.


Anyway, had a cracking weekend. And, from outside, this does not look like a pub! FACT! But it's very cool. As is the Pit & Pendulum (named after an Edgar Alan Poe story, I'm led to believe). But I'll find a decent link for this one later.

More later, generally, in fact. As it's nearly 11 o'clock. Feck! LAST WEEK!! I'm flying home on Sunday... How did that happen??

Thursday, 11 December 2003

I have to say that I did wonder why my car door wouldn't close properly this morning, as I sat bleary-eyed at 7am trying to work out why I was going to the pool at such an ungodly hour (although usually, it's about 6:30 when I go).

Imagine my surprise when it turned out that some <insert 4-letter word here> had had a go at the door lastnight with a crowbar. There is, therefore an additional source of ventilation in the car, in the form of a half-inch gap between the top of the door and the frame.

THIS ALONE was annoying, but then my special-price watch off of Dubai fell face-down out of my locker at the pool, shattering the glass.


I'm determined that this day has to get better. Anyway, we've got a punishment meeting in about half an hour, so I'd best get on.

Once again: arse.

Wednesday, 10 December 2003

Quick! Haven't much time!!

Actually, not that bad, but the pre-christmas boss-panic is steadily filtering into the minds of their subordinates (i.e. us lot) which means workloads suddenly increasing so that the bosses' individual end-of-year goals can be met.

Not bitter, just stating a fact :o)

Anyway, just wanted to say that I watched Rat Race lastnight, and the seen where the a car crashes onto a stage was so funny -- and, obviously, so wrong -- that it had me reaching for my rarely-used inhaler...

Anyway, back to the workplace. Can't believe that: (a) I'm going home in 11 days; and (b) James' viva is in 12 days! How did THAT happen??

Tuesday, 2 December 2003

Crikey... After a five-week hiatus, I'm back on.

If you read the first entry from Sat 25th October, you'll know things weren't all sunshine and light when it came to my holiday plans.

In short, they appeared to be fvcked.

I spent the weekend mulling it over, talked it over with a couple of people, and then decided that the only responsible thing to do -- I know, I do try to fool myself sometimes -- was to not go on holiday, even though it was to the Middle East, and stay for the Rolling (Russell) </neil> Grant talk. After all, it was my fvck-up. So I went to see the boss.

Hereafter known as the GOOD boss. Because of this:


Meself: "Hiya... Um, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be going on holidays because, well basically I've screwed up the dates and the week we're actually going clashes with the Rolling Grant visit, so I'm not going to the Middle East"

GOOD boss: "Don't cancel your holiday for the Rolling Grant!


...so now you know why :o)

It was a little more complicated than that, and I can't say I felt good about someone else taking over the talk, even though she was more than enthusiastic about it. BUT, it meant I got to go back to Dubai. And it was even funnier than the last time, which I didn't think was possible.

Poor Chemical Hanni was the only girl on the trip, even though there was a strong never-married contingent among the other seven (numbers of this contingent varied depending on whose opinion was canvassed and how much vodka, Baileys, whiskey, JD, white wine had been imbibed).

I'll supply more details when I'm off-duty. I've just realised that I've been at work for nearly an hour-and-a-half, and still have done no work.

No change there, then...

Saturday, 25 October 2003

Oh, and the move to Guildford went well :o)

As Neil pointed out at his birthday bash two weekends ago, this blog has been strangely stagnant since I left Cranleigh. The two main reasons for this are:

  • I don't have web access at home in Guildford (and I really am missing ADSL!);
  • I don't have time to keep the blog when I'm at work (you'll notice that today is a Saturday).

But hopefully, NTL or Zen might be able to fix us up with something.
Neil: "Two weeks"

Meself: "What? No, we're going the 15th"

"On the 8th"

"You're joking"

"Why...? Have you booked the wrong week off...?"

"..... Yes.... This is very bad. This is really bad!"

As indeed it is. It transpires that what I thought was the departure date for the Big Dubai Trip Part Two is, in fact, the return date. And the Big Rolling Grant Visit (which is pretty much the opposite of fun) therefore coincides EXACTLY with my holiday.

This would not be a problem if I wasn't supposed to be giving a talk to the visiting committee. But I am, so it is. It's the one time in two years when people actually do give a toss if you take your holidays. The Rolling Grant Panel Visit is pretty much the one thing you can't


I'll have a crisis meeting (not often you hear that word used outside political circles) with the boss on Monday. Suspect the choice may be a stark one.

Saturday, 30 August 2003

Right, it's about 1a.m. as I start writing this. It's been a very long four-day week (but productive on the MOSES side of things), I'm dead tired, I need a holiday, and I turned down an invitation to Micky-off-of-Newsbeat's birthday bash in the O'Neill's.

Why am I typing this, then? Well, it's a milestone night: my last in Cranleigh. Tomorrow I move to Agraria, possibly with the help of Mr Bridger, if I find out that my AX can't take all the stuff I brought over any more.

The room is only half-packed-away, as tonight (Matthew) I will be sleeping here. However, that'll all change tomorrow. All the bits and pieces (including this box) will be sorted semi-randomly into boxes and heaved into the car, and driven to somewhere where I don't think I'll be able to park in daylight hours. Bum. Must sort this situation out. Dunno how, yet. Parking at Gomshall overnight seems an option, just getting the train there each day. But seems a little extreme. (The council's webshite was out of bounds yesterday, but that could be associated with the electricity vanishing across a large portion of London. So I don't know how to get one of these blue-badge thingies, if that's even what I'm supposed to get. MANY questions have I for Abi.)

Seems a while ago, but certainly not almost a year-and-a-half, since I woke up early one weekday morning, the first week I was here, due to the fact that the entire outside wall of my room is double-glazed window. It's a nice feature, if you're not trying to sleep in, and I'll probably miss it a bit. Similarly I'll miss G&J, and the well-furnished flat and kitchen. But not sharing with pet rats (now rat singular, since last Friday).

I also twigged yesterday that it's a year since I was in Big Bear, on that fateful observing trip. My first and only visit so far to the country I want to work in for a few years. Must chase up that last enquiry about jobs, too...

I'm getting tireder now. Hopefully there'll be drinkage tomorrow night with Mr Bridger and Lord Dobke Jr, plus the new housemate! Yay!

Need sleep so I can get up about 9a.m., and thus stand a chance of getting everything sorted out tomorrow afternoon.

G'night all. G'night Cranleigh.

Thursday, 21 August 2003

An anonymous irishman, calling me on the mobile at 8:01 am:
"I don't remember how I got in to work."
[other details have been removed to protect his identity.]

I think this is the funniest wake-up call I've ever received.
After playing about with RSI's own examples, I now have a widget whereby you can set slider to two positions by using corresponding buttons. It's about as complex as JavaScript can be.

Some way off from having something which will behave as I want it to (i.e. you put in certain known/fixed/ideal values, and vary/covary the others to help you understand the limitations of your instrument design), but every journey starts with a single step.

I make it nearly thirteen hours today.


Monday, 18 August 2003

Absolutely wiped. Soberly wiped.

Long day indeed.

Just need sleep and conversation that doesn't have anything to do with work. Hence a proliferation of pre-office-departure (serious career future) e-mails with Neil, and a flurry of text messages with James who claims to be reading Solar Flare MHD in the CR. Which is a worrying turn of events given himself...

I, meanwhile, just want sleep now. Fixed the boss's colour problems in IDL (least I can still fix IDL colour problems), attended the solar flare discussion meeting, started patching up some pages for an EIS SPG user (seriously, that interface needs a massive re-write sometime soon -- just not this side of Mallorca. Anyway, I fixed the previous problems with quote symbols, thanks to the Camel.

Must relate the weekend tomorrow sometime.

Have an Orbiter meeting (first of many regular ones, apparently) tomorrow at 9:30. Would like to be in from 8:30am, but that involves getting up very early, and I don't think I've the energy for that just now.

RDI still hasn't been dispatched, owing to the mysteriously disappeared HD boxes (complete with anti-static bags). This blog would be a lot easier tonight if I could actually type. Similar story with the texts tonight, too...

Must listen to Sydney's Nova 96.9 FM on Neil's request. (Big things could soon be afoot for himself and Himself...)

'Kay, started my streaming experience now with Pink and Get This Party Started. In ASX format. Points for music, none for streaming format, MS hoors... :)

Thursday, 14 August 2003

Nine days.... what's happened in nine days....?

Well, if you're reading this in New York, Detroit, Toronto or Ottowa, the chances are that it won't be right now. I don't know what's going on there... currently watching it on BBC News24. Bit scary if you're claustrophobic.

And Neil's been producing Mrs Mills for the last two weeks, in for M&L, which has been hilarious for me, at least... Interactive radio (must post the picture confirming this soon -- it's at the orifice)

Oh yeah! The heatwave! It knocked everyone here out completely. Things have now -- however temporarily -- returned to how they were in the good oul' days: somewhere around 20°C. So where did I decide to go during the hottest weekend on record in England? London. Eejit... Still, met Neil in the King's Head (I think) by Blackheath for the West Ham opener of the season. Then many nice boozes on Blackheath with Neil himself, Ben off of the OfficialChartShow and Hosie. I passed out, uncharacteristically, on the heath, and Neil -- bless'im -- stuck his hat over my face so I wouldn't end up looking like your typical Brit-abroad. I remember going into the adjacent Princess of Wales and the Dutch barmaid not sweating a drop, while our multitude lined up along the bar sweated like MG in a bank... There are also pictures (in my T610's rapidly filling memory) of random people sunbathing/sundrinking (?) around us. A really nice day and good craic was had, along with much beer, random bubbly, white wine (cheers, Hosie), pringles and a bag of M&S goodies (like strawberries'n'cream, Wimbledon-style). We even managed to get home rather quickly via the taxi rank which I remember vaguely from one of the old PhD/RAS scam visits. (Cheers, FPK!)

and back in Studio Sloan saw that I managed to get to sleep (without necessarily knowing when it happened). I awoke, as is often the case, to find one of Stretchy's mates on the adjacent sofa (under a duvet! The madwoman).

Spent Sunday afternoon, then -- which was really the hottest day ever -- in the Big One, where Neilo had to cobble together a Busted live set for the OfficialChartShow with HiThisIsWes. Who I saw in the flesh. Only hours before, however, I learnt the full meaning of the phrase "it'll be curtains for Wes". It's based on the second funniest thing I've ever heard anyone say. The annoying thing is, it's under wraps for good. Until Neil's book comes out, anyway...

Thence to the Waxy O'Connors for several (five, I think) ice-loaded pints of Magners, straight out of the bottle. Thanks to Gerry for introducing us to this in the CR, and getting Paddy to introduce it to the CR itself. Great stuff if you're parched (don't care what the Tall Green Man says about apple juice for girls).

I should've remembered that the train times were all shot to pieces on the way back, though. I thought I'd catch the 21:45 to Guildford from Waterloo: it wasn't due into London till 22:30, which meant I'd missed my bus. Hence, a taxi ride. But not before I'd wandered down to the bus station in Guildford to find one, then wandered back to the train station. And on the way back to the latter, what did my still-drunk eyes perceive but a man in trunks swimming in the Wey! CAPITAL MAD BASTARD. Still, probably not just as dangerous as swimming in the strule, à la Bones (with his ensuing medical problem).

Then Posh Ben was back on Monday, replete with blondified (but conspicuously uncut) hair, and suntan. Git.
(Interestingly enough, Ben off of Saturday's drinking is called Ben Newby! How coincidental!)

But the prize for News of the last nine days goes to Anna.

My little sister,

who used to hate all forms of schoolwork,


3 A's

Mum said she was crying with happiness, and Dad wasn't far off. I'm very proud, and god bless Scott for giving her a shout today about 14:45. (Much obliged, fella.)

That makes all three of us students at QUB, then.

Phew. Well, tired now. Four very long days. I've tinkered with the air conditioning to make it less hostile to Swiss people, and it seems to have worked. Difficult to say for sure if it's still working alright, but the office is no longer like a fridge in the evenings, which means I can get through the backlog of tasks in my diary.

And hats off to Chris B for getting that job in Camberley he was after. Very well done, mate. Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella. I missed the Barbie Chez Aggie tonight, but not out of spite :) (which he knows).

Tuesday, 5 August 2003

Cool! We had a barbeque at work this evening in honour of our guest, who's an astronaut!!!

Seriously -- he went up in the shuttle!!!

HOW COOL IS THAT???!?!??!!????!???!?

Aw wow.....

Must suppress incoherent babbling... He's a very nice, laid-back guy who's now 67, and his major line of work is the same as mine, but he got to go into space to man a few experiments on Spacelab-2, on the Challenger shuttle (yeah, that one, but not that flight obviously).

He said that the further back in time that the 8-day experience receeds, the more unlikely it seems that he actually did it.

As Chris said, "I've touched him [ed.: shaken his hand :) ], and he's touched space!!!". That is quite something.

And he likes wine, which makes him a king amongst men, frankly.

Saturday, 2 August 2003

And I also need to learn XHTML sometime soon -- especially when pages can look as neat and crisp as this, as my current webpage is starting to look very old and outdated. A major concern in my job, clearly... Well okay, it'd be a misuse of precious time, but I'll put it near the top of the everygrowing list that's starting to look a bit like this.
Also, the main product of yesterday afternoon was this

I tried to say this in a postscript to lastnight's blog, but some SNAFU with my web ping-time meant it got lost in the aether... :o/

Emboldened by the success of this technique (which I shoe-horned into the thesis last year, and the Ganch ultimately used to make this LMSAL FP: woo!), I think I might try the transparent surfaces soon...... I'm not letting Lord Ben Jr gazump me, now am I?

Then we're off to ObjectGraphics::Land

Friday, 1 August 2003

Things are starting to look slightly skew on my screen, and it's not the display rotation going haywire. I think it's my head. I ought to leave for home.

On the plus side, today, I've done this and think I might attempt transparent surfaces some day soon. Before Lord Ben Jr. gets back. I'm not having him gazumping me! :)
Went to see T3 lastnight. Not quite the excitement when me and my mate Colm from school went to see it in Cookstown at the Ritz Cinema. But then, you sort of had low expectations anyway :)

Mr Bridger led a break-away kino outing consisting of himself, meself and everyone else who -- on Wednesday -- was involved in the strangest e-mail conversation EVER.
(This was one of the results. Poor b3ta, and poor me...)

And I lost my wallet lastnight SOMEHOW. It's more difficult to write off to experience if you've been sober at the time. If you're in the Guildford area and have my wallet (cash-less) GIVEITBACK!!

In other anti-craic, I'm listening to Pete Tong while simulatneously being at work. This is very, very wrong! (no Tong rhyming slang pun intended.)

Tuesday, 29 July 2003

I'm now enjoying the guilt-free benefit of controlled blood loss: i.e. lazing around and not feeling at all bad about it! Huzzah. No feeling bad because I'm not out running, because tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be a fat knacker.

A slight pang of sympathy fer poor Jamesy in the 'Fast, stuck writing up his faecis.
Ha-haaa! Just survived a Q&A session about Asthronomy and the Sun with a bunch of 18 year-olds. Not exactly "Radio 4 behind a desk panel", but it was panel-ish.

And Neil has just sent me the funniest picture of people in boiler suits.... Sadly, it's Fer My Eyes Only, but imagine a popular Radio One afternoon DJ looking pissed off in a too-large white helmet and unflattering blue boiler suit, looking like a cross between my dad, about to weld things, and Toad from the Mario series.

Saturday, 26 July 2003

A week of thingness is over. It would've been a week of nothingness, but for the fact that nothing didn't happen. Hence, it must've been a week of thingness.

RDI (Which will only mean what I mean it to mean to a very small bunch of people) is nearly done at the lab, and will shortly be off. I don't care where. The very small bunch of people (as opposed to the bunch of very small people) will understand why.

Two prinicpal bits of news, this week:

  • One. The man at the unnamed space agency has said nothing, although another rumour has recently been heard.
  • Two. I'm moving to the Guildford in a month's time, to take up another traditional lab residence at Aggy.
  • THREE... three bits of news. (Pardon the Spanish Inquisitionism, but nobody expects it.) I'm not talking at Mallorca in October, which means the Ganch and I get to sit at the back watching and sniggering, as he pointed out. And then piss off on holiday for five days! HURRAH!!

The new phone is still lovely. And the old number should be ported over to it on Monday

In other nooze, I'm fucking shattered. 52-hour week = opposite of fun, so I'm knocking that on the head now. Can't even summon up the energy to do a b3ta comp post. Don't really have any enthusiasm for this week's topic, though, so might not be my calling.

Bring on living in a university town!! Again!!!

Tuesday, 22 July 2003

Right!!! SATELLITE DELAY = NEW PHONE!!! Got this yesterday, thanks to our friends at OneStopPhoneShop.com.

And it's luuuuuvly! I'm a happy camper!

Sunday, 20 July 2003

Chapter 1; verses 1 to a million...

What a cool day. Despite the absence of direct sunshine when I sat out on the common/lawn with my Bill Bryson double-book (got as far as Bournemouth in Notes from a Small Island), the trip that started an hour later was much much good.

A good start is a good start. As the long train pulled in to Guildford, I didn't think I'd a hope of finding Ben. BUT, lo and behold, his seat stopped right in front of where I was waiting on the platform. It was all of a trek across the carriage from the slam-door I got in through! Think I disturbed his wee nap, though :)

Thence to Waterloo, slightly delayed, but we found the IMAX after only one non-blunderous wrong turn in the pedestrian subway. Chris, Lady Jane and Eric were duly waiting. After about ten minutes, the Kraevs joined us. We were then approached by a lady of diminutive stature, who after raising her voice to attract out downward attention, gave us forms proclaiming free pairs of tickets, then took the forms off us after she realised we weren't target audience (we weren't coming out of a showing of anything, and thus couldn't provide feedback on stuff the forms were supposed to garner feedback on), claiming she'd something to sort out with her manager. But she hung around the counter in a clearly non-proactive way, so we pissed off for Pizza Express (much more express than the place in Brum where we went after the Big One Alton Towers jaunt). Turns out it was in the same building as Eric's very nice flat.

Once Eric had collected his mate from his flat, we went across to the IMAX. The beauty of today's trip was that we were never more than about 200 yards from where we got off the train, so this talk all of two minutes. We sat about one row from the back, and I can honestly say that watching the Matrix Reloaded on a screen that size is a real treat. The opening titles are especially immersing, as there's much wheeling and careering about of the camera's perspective.

It made marginally more sense the second time around, and I think I enjoyed it more because I knew what twist to expect. Others were similarly minded, which is always reassuring for the sanity.

We retired to Eric's flat, which I think I mentioned was very nice, and went up to the roof garden that I spotted from his living room. It's got such a cool view: the wheel, the Houses of Parliament, the Town Hall (NAMCO to me and you) the Savoy, the Royal Festival Hall and Hayward Gallery (sadly), Westminster Abbey, a nice fountain... I was joking that it was like an idealised panorama of London, even from Erics's living room, where you can't see Big Ben. The only major thing missing is St Paul's. Splendid! (and other old words). I really did feel like one of the beautiful people for a while.

Which brings me temporarily to a message from Mr Bridger. It stated that his missus reckons I should go part-blonde again (this was explained to me on Bridge's birthday, too) and I was very pretty. He was suspicious, I was disturbed. I don't think I've ever been described as pretty before...

Anyway, to return to the night, I think everyone got back alright. I got back to find G&J safe and well with all their gear, and Ben was back about the same time, apparently, despite having to stop at every hole in the hedge between Guildford and Haslemere. Then I got a call from Neil saying he was at the Big One hotel in Leicester for tomorrow's One Big Sunday. I've been invited to come along now (as in within the last hour) but financially I'll have to decline, which is really frustrating, but there's not really any two ways about it, and I've had a lovely time, Mark....

Saturday, 19 July 2003

Ach.... Forgot to mention the DVDVDVDVDVD night on Wednesday, which was good craic. On the recommendation of Sir Lord Ben Jr. and Chris off of Woking, we got out The Game. Which is cracking. If you haven't seen it, you need to! Or maybe you don't and I'm being overenthusiastic, but y'get my point...

Weirdness on the night was supplied by the usual party who disappeared down the corridor mid-film, and -- worryingly -- ended up reading a random Terry Pratchett book on MY BED. THUMP YOUR TABLE NOW!! That got me quite grumpy, till I realised I was actually enjoying the good company and craic, and forgot about it mostly. But Chris (O.O.W.) nearly popped with surprise the next morning. Rightly, I think. Hopefully not too much awkward-making weirdness tomorrow :)

Friday, 18 July 2003

Right, is it technically a blog if you don't update it for about three weeks? 'Cos I think it might not be.... Imagine my surprise, too, when I found the brand new interface. There's lovely.

And the correlation between how much I'm kept out opf harm's way and the absence of posts continues.

Most recently, I'm in negotiations to move out of here and up to Surrey's Trendy Guildford! A townhouse share with a Lab-ette. Fair enough, it'd mean losing some mod cons (a fantastic washing machine, good TV and cracking surround-sound system not least), but SOCIAL LIFE!!!?!!! Thankyouplease.

Tomorrow is this, which I've mostly been forgetting and then looking forward to all week, in strangely repetetive pattern.

Nush is out. The weather isn't just affecting Neilo that way, then...

Tuesday, 24 June 2003

No... it's all okay now. Ben just didn't delete the messages once he gave his Sir Lord Ben his phone back.
All a hilarious misunderstanding. And now I'm down a bottle of Glenmorangie. Minirubbish. Rubbish bin? Nah, it's all gravy, as Charlotte Church would say... If she'd got it right. Idoit (sic.)

Not having a good England week, this week... quite bored of the place, but that will hopefully change when I'm not stuck at home due to Son-of-cash-flow-crisis.

And I did send a very important e-mither off to the powers that be. Gingers crossed, then.

Sunday, 22 June 2003

And I think I've just sent an horrendous amount of wrong text messages to a very wrong number.

Thinking I was texting Posh Ben, I think I've just texted Posh Ben's dad Lord Ben.
Not realising -- even at this late stage -- that I wasn't texting Ben at all, I replied
"Aye, sorry about the text deluge, mate; I have now had counselling. "Nil uisce beatha na hÉireann agam", but I do have a mean bottle of Glenmorangie you can have"

I really really really want to get my coat... But I'm already at home, so that's not going to fix things, now, is it?

               FUCKING RUBBISH!!!!!!

I am also responsible for this and this lastnight. I paricularly apologise for the pretentious second one. Not very woo at all, really

I dunnit! I did the running/walking thing, and nearly died. That was definitely the toughest one yet...

(as a sidenote, if anyone has any ideas why flatmate Jen and I have different versions of the same Nike 10k training manuals (this is true for either beginner or advanced), then please Lemme know why, as it's a most perplexing conundrum.)

Have I ever pointed out how much I love Groove Salad? It really does chill the mind quite nicely.

AND... The thunder and lightning lastnight absolutely ROCKED! The weather here is definitely more interesting than what we get back home. (I'd also like to point out that I'm not actually from Portadown, or anywhere nearby -- we were too poor to afford riots in Tyrone... )

Saturday, 21 June 2003

Blimey! Finally got up the courage to post to b3ta.com. Thought if I was doing that I may as well do it for a competition. Lovely. Lovely people. Lovely site. Lovely-ness.

Can I be arsed with the whole running thing tonight? It's 2× (6min run, 3min walk)... Just need to pray that the trainers hold out... eep!

Wednesday, 18 June 2003

This has had me in stitches for an unhealthy amount of time. Hint: Make sure you scroll to the end of the page....
Clearly, the fact that I'm at work and not working is something of a useless contradiction. (I was going to use the word "dichotomy", but would only have been embarrassed at some stage in the future, as I've no idea what it's technically supposed to mean. Blunder averted?)

But it does mean I had time to browse through malevole and find possibly the best domain name EVER:NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown.com. Makes me feel all sort of warm and tea-needing inside... Mmmm....

In other news:
Neilo says: You've turned into Mark and Lard!, while advising me to listen to The Old Class, filling in for Ken Bruce.

Monday, 16 June 2003

Hmmmm... many happenings since last we spoke...

Principally, we were out for Chrisbee's birthday do on Saturday night. At least, I think that's what happened. The first thing to go wrong was the tullane(?) whiskey which Jason's bloke bought, then Chris himself internally anointed all the blokes (to some female disquiet) with Goldschläger. Then another. Then things get quite dark and mysterious. I understand that we are to go home, and promptly engage a taxi-chap. Nick of the Flowers decides to share the taxi, thinking we're heading for Stoughton Road. Then realises I intend to go home, and hops out at the traffic lights on the Horsham side of the one-way system. I then get a call from Chris asking where I am (My lovely, but ageing CMD-J5 places this event at 01:57 15/06). I explain, then decide that I'll go to Stoughton Road and carry on with the drinking.

This, I feel, may have been the crux of my demise.

After appreciating the very large and lovely riverside garden, complete with built-in full moon, it again seemed like I ought to retire to Abi's very kindly offered accommodation. And I thank god she wasn't there to see me in that pitiful state. I haven't retched like that in quite some time. Not funny at all, and mostly due to this new, healthier lifestyle. I remember the old days (well, about a year and a half ago) when....

Anyway, speaking of excessive drinking, it's the Wee Ganch's 25th birthday today as well as Chris's's's's, so happy birthday both fellas. Welcome to the League of Creaky Old Gentlemen!

Thursday, 12 June 2003

Serious lethargy taking over today. I've been fighting off sleep since 4pm. And the urge to go home since about 4:05pm. Not big or clever, but it's certainly a cracking day for evening pubbage.

Lastnight was the Long Walk. Didn't hurt like the other nights have, but that's because they were all Short Run. Next week, the schedule is due to ramp up a notch. The bigger snag? Next week starts tomorrow! Eep...

Tuesday, 10 June 2003

I swore I wasn't going to stay late at work any more, but I'm just making this one exception : )

It's all gravy -- as Charlotte Church would say -- really. I'm just clumsily FTPing data back from TRACE. After that, I can go home and eat something moderately healthy.

N.B., too, that this is the first day that blogs have come from The Orifice! It's been an odd day.

AND, Paddy-who-gets-paid-too-much is still alive in AllBlackLand! Hooray! And drinking a lot at weekends, which is no major surprise. Good on'im.
Also, today I can move my limbs without excessive pain.

Which is nice. And means I should ketch meself awn and stop whingeing as it's actually self-inflicted.... eejit...
Hot poop! That new single by The Coral, "Pass It On" apparently isn't out until 7th July. Sadly...

And random chat in the office has produced this fact about another meteorite in Siberia. We reckon the story's been sat on 'cos there aren't any PR-style photos or videos yet. Watch out for an episode of Horizon or Equinox (probably made in conjunction with that TV company in Boston) where they talk about the Siberian Harbinger of Death...

In all seriousness though, two meteorites exploding above ground zero in the last century is a little worrying. Surely it has to have an effect on the probability reckoning, no?
Got back at 21:39 and I didn't die!! Wow... Dunno if that means anything. But it's not the morning yet, so I don't know if I'll lose voluntary muscle movements again. Like I did on Friday and Sunday. Ow.

Via the gift of Neilo, I heard himself do the best bit of mixing... EVER! on early breakfast this morning. Although he held his hands up and replayed it for all to gasp at. Fair fvcks to him, too...
Green Lucie is back, although in her new guise as Slightly Pink Lucie, following a body-boarding stint. Good t'have her back, even if it's only for the week. Might even get the place sociable again...(?)

And again, as one arrives, another leaves. Except in this case two have left (admittedly they are the most insane of the group -- and I don't mean in a 'bonkers' kind of way, I mean actually insane), and one -- Newbie Ben -- is about to head off to that fancy NASA for a bit.

Random thoughts, there... Anyway, probably should go to bed. To the sounds of DJ Sammy and "The Boys of Summer"

    ....and there go the legs..... rubbish....

Monday, 9 June 2003

Wish me luck... I'm about to cause myself some pain for the third night in a week. More of which once I return all death-like....

In other news, the webcam is back up! What fresh horror, this?!?

Sunday, 8 June 2003

One barbeque later, and I find -- to roughly no surprise -- that Mr Beth is also a fan of Weebl (and sometimes Weebl's friend Bob). But it made me strangely happy that someone else knew about this dark, dark animation. Did I mention that I thought it was dark?

ANYroad, anyone know what to put on a CV? I haven't a bloody clue. It's not as if I've really done anything, apart from going for a painful exercise régime (see what i did there with the fancy accent -- ooh, get me, etc.)... So I'd better think fast, die young, sleep furious, live clockwise... mnnmnff.. garble

Additionally, I was asking the lovely flatmate ladies if they remembered Hewligan's Haircut. If you know where to get your hands (or mine, vicariously) on a copy of just this 2000AD comic (not worried about the rest of the issue, just this feature) lemme know (at the usual contact address). Addresses in the sout-east of That Fancy England wud be best.

  Bless you
I never quite finished that thought, did I ...? Ah well. This being five days later I can report that I, too, feel mostly broken. Just physically, that is.

Harever, I am now the proud owner (and not the only one, I'm guessing) of one of those Iraqi Identification Playing Cards. [see the blogs on this spot from 6th May, (once they re-appear!?)] They're a very good thing, and I'm trying to keep them in pristine condition for the next (Norn Iron?) poker game... Not easy, though. Comedy value leads to much touching of the cards.

To further the update that should've been finished, Newbie Ben now has one of the flashest cars at the lab. (Actually, it basically is the flashest after our head-boss's own Alfa 156.) But then he is a closet posh-case.

In other news, lastnight was the Return-of-Cat curry at Maloncho's, and tomorrow (technically today, alright...) is the boss barbeque. Pray for sun, not rain.

Monday, 2 June 2003

Blimey! That took a while.

RIGHT, there's been fergal'n'audrey's wedding in ballymena-hi^H^H^H -- and very nice it was, too. Even played the world's worst drinking game with the world's best contributor to the art of drinking. Still no idea what was going on, but eventually it made sense. It also involved the least amount of drinking of any game I've ever played, so I think it was technically a sobering-up game. Rubbish...

BUT good to see martycart, le pinfield, la pinfield, steve'n'susan and the happy couple. Rumours that some of us bunked off early are to be HOTLY contested.

After that was all over, twas a visit to the old Belfast there, Ted. And everyone was largely alive. Apart from James, I think, who was only just not-broken.

Friday, 23 May 2003

Big Brother 4, y'say....?

In the least obsessive way possible... I've bought my Celebdaq shares already. No photos up yet, no birthdates, etc., but the shares are bought.

Now, if I can just gazump Chris with his multimillionaireness, I'll be set.

Thursday, 22 May 2003

Um... is anyone else disturbed that this is the real definition of MILF?
One eejit enters the country, another one leaves. There's a pleasing symmetry to it.

Neilo is off to Crete; not to be confused with being "off Tikrit", although I believe tourism in the popular Iraqi centre of apopleptic fear is down on last year's numbers, despite a substantial recent influx of tourists from the USA.

Conversely, James has just returned from the USA, and reports that he is "broken" (unquote). Clearly, this is in no way related to the likely alcohol consumption adopted by himself and the second second coming.

Also, where's my fvcking cigs holiday in Dubai?? What's all this business about having to wait till November?

Couple this with Chris' recent discovery that Newbie is in fact MOSES (although it was on the group's webpage for anyone to see, really), and it's been a week of News. Now fact me till I fart!

Tuesday, 20 May 2003

Frankly, I'm stunned that -- after a weekend that involved watching the first 17 episodes of 24 (1st season), I didn't mention it at all in yesterday's blog. Mustn't have been feeling well. Still, if you watch 17 44-minute episodes of anything in a weekend, that presupposes a certain non-wellbeing. I'm guessing...

I'm up to the end of the second-last DVD now, so only 4 hours to go to find out how things really ended up the way they did before the current season kicked off.

I've also taken to Kazaa-ing (verb, present participle?) hits from the 80s. I think that means I'm no longer a teenager, and am very actually heading towards the milestone age of 26¼. I love 19xx can fvck off, too...

Sunday, 18 May 2003

Random thoughts update: heard that Nada Surf lot on Bill Bailey's show when he filled in yesterday on 6music for Clare McDonnell. What a very lovely song Inside of Love is. (Particularly like the last lyric.) And the choice of music on the show was a joy to behold. If only my car had doubled in value with the addition of a digital radio. Then I would drive to work, not get out of the car, or possibly just not drive to work....

Clearly I wouldn't seriously think of not going into work. Anyone who knows me, knows I love my job, most days... and hardly ever rant about it...
So... the right result came up in the FA Cup. Although I've always had a soft spot for Southampton, so bad luck to them, then. More on the gooner victory from He Who Never Sits Still, I imagine.

In other news, the Return to Dubai is on! Although the chances of staying at that exact hotel are obviously zero, and we're much more likely to end up in Spice Island with a repeat -- or worse -- of the ensuing blunders of last year. It'll all be fine, etc.... All we have to do now is hope and pray that the Wise People Above don't issue any kind of threat warning to us tourist-types.

Wednesday, 14 May 2003


That was a very bizarre night. I ended up drinking single malt whisk(e)ys with my boss, and my boss's boss's boss, till the wee small hours. (ish). And I got to see my elders and betters fighting... just like a wedding -- hurrah!

AND, it was even quite a good meeting. You probably know how much I enjoy meetings... And a certain lab near Oxford... Blimey! What next?

Sunday, 11 May 2003

Better now. Neilo is not going to be a happy man for this reason. James and Shaun are finishing up being up a mountain. And I think we get 24 back on BBC Two tonight. I'm just hoping it's not the episode I saw on RTE a few weeks ago when I was visiting the parents. Can someone just shoot Jack Bauer's daughter and have done with it, please?!


Jeezus... my guts still hurt. You'd know I was out on the tear with Neilo, Mrs Mills and Hanah Bin Kuk lastnight... Even Sarita Bin Jagpal was there! And it was all gravy Guinness.

This morning -- around 8:45 -- however, it had all gone wrong. I haven't been that hungover for some time. Even when I felt like shite in Dublin (which was very shite indeed) last month, it still wasn't as bad as the post-Guinness+champagne+Aftershock after-effect that greeted myself and Neil. Mrs Mills being in a shite mental state when he turned up meant that I felt like less of an anomaly (am I talking a different language?). Options 1 and 2 of the above list headed off on their Tour at lunchtime; in fact, they're doing that right now. I, meanwhile, am sitting in front of a computer with a bottle of red wine (very showbiz, me) and a health-conscious glass of water to one side, just in case the tremors kick in..... too late: there I go.

And James keeps sending me plots with science in them and my head can't do thinking today. Must fix that...

Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Random thought*: Does anyone else really miss X-style copy'n'paste, even in the very lovely WindowsXP(TM)(C)(R)(MCMXCIII) ?

*okay, very random. I need more sleep... obviously...
Also: need food NAR...
I am going to be very sore in the morning... just paid a visit to the local swimming emporium. If there's such a thing as pre-pain, I've got it now. It's probably usually described as Severe Acute Unfit Bastard Syndrome, but pre-pain is snappier.

Also, if anyone fancies writing a 15-minute presentation for me, send it on an e-mither and I'll give it on Friday at about 12 o'clock. If you're in London, why not come along? It'll be fun! Or the opposite of fun. One of those two...
If anyone knows the location of Eoin, please can they send me his location by e-mail, carrier pigeon or warhead-free al-Samoud missile (you must be within 150km). Seeing as his brother hasn't a clue -- other than that he's probably in London(!) -- tip-offs regarding his whereabouts would be greatly appreciated.

Reports of him being seen riding a donkey in Islamabad remain unconfirmed. The Tora Bora cave complex is another possibility. (I hasten to add that, at the time of last sighting, Eoin was not a terrorist, Arab or Irish.)

Tuesday, 6 May 2003

Does it strike anyone else that the Personality Identification Playing Cards are the thin end of a huge niche-market wedge...? What about customised cards of you and your mates? Fuck it: what about custom card hierarchies full stop?! Wanker (W) of Hearts beats a pair of one-eyed Cunts (C); trump card's the Git (G) of Twats.

And if you nick this idea -- I'm looking at YOU, Bloomfield -- I know where you live...
Finally got around to getting my odd hairstyle pruned today. I am no longer blonde.The rationale was that I would no longer be stupid... Not so easy to prove, that bit, but it's early days. Soon l'll be adding two numbers together on a calculator with the best of them!

Also, I'm not at a sporadically-working telescope in New Mexico (cf James and Shaun), so I should be grateful for small mercenaries.
Once upon a time, the now-defunct oversite was used for just this purpose: i.e., keeping two people on the face of the Earth informed about what I'd been thinking and drinking for the past week. Now this Blogger thing has stepped in to save me the Hassle (TM) of writing a script to so exactly the same. Hurrah!