Thursday 29 January 2009

Weird, eh?

As I begin the process of leaving, I can't help but be drawn back to my past here. This place was a huge part of the happy and sad times. Last time I saw it was horrible. But I still have some nice memories there.

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Wednesday 14 January 2009

End of office attendance for the day

But it goes on.

Not to worry - I've had a medium to good day, actually. Biked it in 12 hrs ago, then had a day reading a grant application draft. Had ideas for it, and also had ideas for the Extravaganza! Which I was dreading thinking about, but now believe has the capapacity to be quite good.

Also faffed a bit on Facebook. But mostly worked.

Also, my arse cheeks hurt cos I did quite a lot of work at the gym lastnight. Haha

And nice music now playing on my iPod on the train between Fuchers and Matchley.


Course, a phoner from Mr C inevitably brightened my mood. I'm so easy to manipulate... ;o)

Time to eat, I think!

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Cold nights, warm days

It's bitterly cold (with apologies to other Wogan fans) these nights.

But the weekend just past was quietly perfect.

Just wanted to say that.

I enjoy these weekends with Mr C so much.

That is all :)


Monday 12 January 2009

Sorry for a frog

Spotted on a young teenager's baseball cap:

"Sorry for a frog
Happy songs for fuckin' people"

on the 小田急 express, coming back from the onsen that Mr C and I visited