Tuesday, 30 December 2003

I have been Belfasted....

Was out lastnight on the traditional route of the CR-then-Parlour. A Christmas rendez-vous with Dr A.Cnt & Cathy, fresh from their Antipodean Escapade, DrRTJMCA (who will probably now be visiting MSSL next week, under the excuse of going to an RAS meeting), Mr Smartest Person Ever (Ph.D. pending), Steve Not-Davis, and Susan.

Whilst enjoying a wee après-pub whiskey in James' place, Cathy's stomach suddenly decided to vent its frustration with the night's ingredients, so we didn't see much of herself or Dr Cnt for a wee while. I don't remember everything, but I remember a lot by my usual standards. Including displaying my random pop knowledge a bit too much, every time a new video came on VH1, MTV or the Box.

And much discussions were had about the state of things, and it was cold and wet, and everything was back to normal in my life for a while. Which was nice.

Catching the 0850 from Aldergrove to Gatwick on Friday suddenly seems very close indeed... But for now, I am very content to sit drinking tea in Augher on the big sofa, with most of the family around. Anything else seems overly ambitious.

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