Tuesday, 20 May 2003

Frankly, I'm stunned that -- after a weekend that involved watching the first 17 episodes of 24 (1st season), I didn't mention it at all in yesterday's blog. Mustn't have been feeling well. Still, if you watch 17 44-minute episodes of anything in a weekend, that presupposes a certain non-wellbeing. I'm guessing...

I'm up to the end of the second-last DVD now, so only 4 hours to go to find out how things really ended up the way they did before the current season kicked off.

I've also taken to Kazaa-ing (verb, present participle?) hits from the 80s. I think that means I'm no longer a teenager, and am very actually heading towards the milestone age of 26¼. I love 19xx can fvck off, too...

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