Monday, 15 December 2003

I was awoken this morning by the phone. Which I at first took to be the alarm that I hadn't set, until I realised it was the Neil ring-tone. It was himself after having produced HiThisIsWes. Sadly, the substance of the conversation can't be reproduced here for legal reasons. But it was a funny way to wake up, and I can't wait for the press release.

After a small debate -- as opposed to a mass debate -- the decision was taken to go on Friday evening to Nottingham, to stay with ex-flatmate Alan in his swanky Yuppy pad :o) So I drove up in the newly-ventilated AX, with the Swiss Embassy as navigator. We made it in about 3½ hours, which was reasonable going, considering we had to get there from the time-forgotten vale of Peaslake, over the hill. That we didn't end up in the 16th century is probably a minor miracle... Lucie, meanwhile, took the public transport option, which involved sleeping. This seemed preferable by the time we arrived at Alan's, despite the fact that the directions he sent us could best be described as INCOMPLETE.


Anyway, had a cracking weekend. And, from outside, this does not look like a pub! FACT! But it's very cool. As is the Pit & Pendulum (named after an Edgar Alan Poe story, I'm led to believe). But I'll find a decent link for this one later.

More later, generally, in fact. As it's nearly 11 o'clock. Feck! LAST WEEK!! I'm flying home on Sunday... How did that happen??

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