Sunday, 8 June 2003

I never quite finished that thought, did I ...? Ah well. This being five days later I can report that I, too, feel mostly broken. Just physically, that is.

Harever, I am now the proud owner (and not the only one, I'm guessing) of one of those Iraqi Identification Playing Cards. [see the blogs on this spot from 6th May, (once they re-appear!?)] They're a very good thing, and I'm trying to keep them in pristine condition for the next (Norn Iron?) poker game... Not easy, though. Comedy value leads to much touching of the cards.

To further the update that should've been finished, Newbie Ben now has one of the flashest cars at the lab. (Actually, it basically is the flashest after our head-boss's own Alfa 156.) But then he is a closet posh-case.

In other news, lastnight was the Return-of-Cat curry at Maloncho's, and tomorrow (technically today, alright...) is the boss barbeque. Pray for sun, not rain.

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