Saturday, 19 July 2003

Ach.... Forgot to mention the DVDVDVDVDVD night on Wednesday, which was good craic. On the recommendation of Sir Lord Ben Jr. and Chris off of Woking, we got out The Game. Which is cracking. If you haven't seen it, you need to! Or maybe you don't and I'm being overenthusiastic, but y'get my point...

Weirdness on the night was supplied by the usual party who disappeared down the corridor mid-film, and -- worryingly -- ended up reading a random Terry Pratchett book on MY BED. THUMP YOUR TABLE NOW!! That got me quite grumpy, till I realised I was actually enjoying the good company and craic, and forgot about it mostly. But Chris (O.O.W.) nearly popped with surprise the next morning. Rightly, I think. Hopefully not too much awkward-making weirdness tomorrow :)

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