Thursday, 22 May 2003

One eejit enters the country, another one leaves. There's a pleasing symmetry to it.

Neilo is off to Crete; not to be confused with being "off Tikrit", although I believe tourism in the popular Iraqi centre of apopleptic fear is down on last year's numbers, despite a substantial recent influx of tourists from the USA.

Conversely, James has just returned from the USA, and reports that he is "broken" (unquote). Clearly, this is in no way related to the likely alcohol consumption adopted by himself and the second second coming.

Also, where's my fvcking cigs holiday in Dubai?? What's all this business about having to wait till November?

Couple this with Chris' recent discovery that Newbie is in fact MOSES (although it was on the group's webpage for anyone to see, really), and it's been a week of News. Now fact me till I fart!

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