Monday, 15 December 2003


Sure mightn't I be going here in February!

The conversation with Dr Matthews went along these lines:

Dr M: "What are you doing from the 1st to the 11th of February?"

Meself: [stalling in the most obvious way possible, trying to look for the 2004 diary that even Lord-Ben-the-YTS-Student knows is empty of all entries but Chris' wedding] "Um... not sure. But I'm pretty sure the answer is nothing."

Dr M: "Right... [looks at leaflet in hand, making me think I'm about to get roped into the second organising committee in a week] Because we've got time on the DST at Sac Peak and I'm really busy, so I was wondering if you'd be able to go instead?"

Meself: "I think I can definitely say a provisional ‘yes’!"

I am the king of tautology... BUT, it raises an interesting possibility. And I could tick off another telescope on the list!

Plus there's the obvious tourism benefits of a holiday work-related reconnaissance trip. Bring it on!

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