Tuesday, 30 December 2003

I have been Belfasted....

Was out lastnight on the traditional route of the CR-then-Parlour. A Christmas rendez-vous with Dr A.Cnt & Cathy, fresh from their Antipodean Escapade, DrRTJMCA (who will probably now be visiting MSSL next week, under the excuse of going to an RAS meeting), Mr Smartest Person Ever (Ph.D. pending), Steve Not-Davis, and Susan.

Whilst enjoying a wee après-pub whiskey in James' place, Cathy's stomach suddenly decided to vent its frustration with the night's ingredients, so we didn't see much of herself or Dr Cnt for a wee while. I don't remember everything, but I remember a lot by my usual standards. Including displaying my random pop knowledge a bit too much, every time a new video came on VH1, MTV or the Box.

And much discussions were had about the state of things, and it was cold and wet, and everything was back to normal in my life for a while. Which was nice.

Catching the 0850 from Aldergrove to Gatwick on Friday suddenly seems very close indeed... But for now, I am very content to sit drinking tea in Augher on the big sofa, with most of the family around. Anything else seems overly ambitious.

Saturday, 27 December 2003

Salad's ready, apparently.

It's been a day of visits. Sarah+Kieran, Des+Bernie+Grace... And I've been to the Arse End Of Nowhere twice in the last 24 hours.

Just trying to book my flight back to The London now. Want to go back on Friday 02 January, and it's looking V expensive. Ryanair's mysterious �5 flights are nowhere to be seen when booking, so it's back to the traditional Stelios Airways.

Thursday, 25 December 2003

Random pre-entry thought: blogger looks very different on Internet Explorer than it does on MozillaFirebird...

Happy Christmas from Augher! And Happy Nailbiting if, like Melody (ScottDot suggested new name Magic106) Off-Of-Work, you're sitting in a control room in Leicester, waiting for Beagle 2 (see, also, our site and ESA's for more details) to call home.

Hoping, if not assuming, that that goes well, all the hairy. Certain folk (e.g. the Neil much-cited in this blog, ScottDot,...) will have to work over the coming days and weeks. But it's my longest holiday in the year. All other departures from the office which have lasted longer than a week have been work-related, I think you'll find...

Came over slightly defensive there, admittedly. Got some very clever presents this year -- guitar song book from Abi and Are You Dave Gorman? (the booook) from Sister Number 2. Major thanks to Dr Green, too, for her expert help with buying for sisters. Virgin Vie make-up was a top tip! Thanks, lady.

breaking news!!</sky news>

Our car -- a Mondeo of many years' good service -- has just died. We are now stranded a mile-and-a-half from the nearest village. mum just pointed out that something always seems to stop us from going out over Christmas. I wasn't that fussed on going out to the Hogs tonight, but tomorrow had been an option. Now all we have to do is not go stir-crazy, start any avalanches, etc.

I'll get back to you once I've finished wondering whether border collies taste nice in a sauce bernaise...

I will also get my coat.

Thursday, 18 December 2003

I feel truly awful.

I can barely type, and speaking has proved to be a Pandora's box today. Two meetings so far (the first I just made, thanks to us taking a taxi to work from the house). Abi was in no fit state to drive us in this morning, and I arrived at 11:01 for the 11:00 meeting. Smelling not unlike a distillery.

The second meeting was good, but excruciating (not in a sex-parlour way, I hasten to add). I think I may have given the poor woman passive alcohol poisoning.

I'm glad I'm leaving at 5 today. Fletch, meself and Abi are going up to see Mr Bridger.

Tuesday, 16 December 2003

Mmmmm... Thai Christmas Dinner....

We'll be going back there for the odd lunch, I think. And now I just want to sleep.......
'Tis the Solar-Stellar Group Christmas Dinner today. A lunchtime affair, so sozzlement will be under control. BUT tomorrow is the Lab Christmas Dinner. OMG....

If it was anything like last year, it'll be the most horrendously drunken lab affair of the year.

For which, read the only one... Not complaining, honest :o)

Monday, 15 December 2003

Also, a text-quote from Fraser regarding lastnight's largely-undisclosed happenings:

F: "Went to a party then came back and drank a box of wine. Rubbish"

A full box?? (G'd mornin'!)

Central Line.

Sure mightn't I be going here in February!

The conversation with Dr Matthews went along these lines:

Dr M: "What are you doing from the 1st to the 11th of February?"

Meself: [stalling in the most obvious way possible, trying to look for the 2004 diary that even Lord-Ben-the-YTS-Student knows is empty of all entries but Chris' wedding] "Um... not sure. But I'm pretty sure the answer is nothing."

Dr M: "Right... [looks at leaflet in hand, making me think I'm about to get roped into the second organising committee in a week] Because we've got time on the DST at Sac Peak and I'm really busy, so I was wondering if you'd be able to go instead?"

Meself: "I think I can definitely say a provisional ‘yes’!"

I am the king of tautology... BUT, it raises an interesting possibility. And I could tick off another telescope on the list!

Plus there's the obvious tourism benefits of a holiday work-related reconnaissance trip. Bring it on!
I was awoken this morning by the phone. Which I at first took to be the alarm that I hadn't set, until I realised it was the Neil ring-tone. It was himself after having produced HiThisIsWes. Sadly, the substance of the conversation can't be reproduced here for legal reasons. But it was a funny way to wake up, and I can't wait for the press release.

After a small debate -- as opposed to a mass debate -- the decision was taken to go on Friday evening to Nottingham, to stay with ex-flatmate Alan in his swanky Yuppy pad :o) So I drove up in the newly-ventilated AX, with the Swiss Embassy as navigator. We made it in about 3½ hours, which was reasonable going, considering we had to get there from the time-forgotten vale of Peaslake, over the hill. That we didn't end up in the 16th century is probably a minor miracle... Lucie, meanwhile, took the public transport option, which involved sleeping. This seemed preferable by the time we arrived at Alan's, despite the fact that the directions he sent us could best be described as INCOMPLETE.


Anyway, had a cracking weekend. And, from outside, this does not look like a pub! FACT! But it's very cool. As is the Pit & Pendulum (named after an Edgar Alan Poe story, I'm led to believe). But I'll find a decent link for this one later.

More later, generally, in fact. As it's nearly 11 o'clock. Feck! LAST WEEK!! I'm flying home on Sunday... How did that happen??

Thursday, 11 December 2003

I have to say that I did wonder why my car door wouldn't close properly this morning, as I sat bleary-eyed at 7am trying to work out why I was going to the pool at such an ungodly hour (although usually, it's about 6:30 when I go).

Imagine my surprise when it turned out that some <insert 4-letter word here> had had a go at the door lastnight with a crowbar. There is, therefore an additional source of ventilation in the car, in the form of a half-inch gap between the top of the door and the frame.

THIS ALONE was annoying, but then my special-price watch off of Dubai fell face-down out of my locker at the pool, shattering the glass.


I'm determined that this day has to get better. Anyway, we've got a punishment meeting in about half an hour, so I'd best get on.

Once again: arse.

Wednesday, 10 December 2003

Quick! Haven't much time!!

Actually, not that bad, but the pre-christmas boss-panic is steadily filtering into the minds of their subordinates (i.e. us lot) which means workloads suddenly increasing so that the bosses' individual end-of-year goals can be met.

Not bitter, just stating a fact :o)

Anyway, just wanted to say that I watched Rat Race lastnight, and the seen where the a car crashes onto a stage was so funny -- and, obviously, so wrong -- that it had me reaching for my rarely-used inhaler...

Anyway, back to the workplace. Can't believe that: (a) I'm going home in 11 days; and (b) James' viva is in 12 days! How did THAT happen??

Tuesday, 2 December 2003

Crikey... After a five-week hiatus, I'm back on.

If you read the first entry from Sat 25th October, you'll know things weren't all sunshine and light when it came to my holiday plans.

In short, they appeared to be fvcked.

I spent the weekend mulling it over, talked it over with a couple of people, and then decided that the only responsible thing to do -- I know, I do try to fool myself sometimes -- was to not go on holiday, even though it was to the Middle East, and stay for the Rolling (Russell) </neil> Grant talk. After all, it was my fvck-up. So I went to see the boss.

Hereafter known as the GOOD boss. Because of this:


Meself: "Hiya... Um, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be going on holidays because, well basically I've screwed up the dates and the week we're actually going clashes with the Rolling Grant visit, so I'm not going to the Middle East"

GOOD boss: "Don't cancel your holiday for the Rolling Grant!


...so now you know why :o)

It was a little more complicated than that, and I can't say I felt good about someone else taking over the talk, even though she was more than enthusiastic about it. BUT, it meant I got to go back to Dubai. And it was even funnier than the last time, which I didn't think was possible.

Poor Chemical Hanni was the only girl on the trip, even though there was a strong never-married contingent among the other seven (numbers of this contingent varied depending on whose opinion was canvassed and how much vodka, Baileys, whiskey, JD, white wine had been imbibed).

I'll supply more details when I'm off-duty. I've just realised that I've been at work for nearly an hour-and-a-half, and still have done no work.

No change there, then...