Saturday, 23 October 2004

engineering works may be required

Today was a designated "working saturday".

D'you know what? I even left the pub early lastnight, at the three-pint mark, so as not to be tempted into joining the throng heading for Zuka Café Mambo.

And I've been in here since about 1:30 this afternoon. However, rather than solving the mysteries of the universe (or, indeed, getting any closer to this paper being written up).... three main discoveries have been made today:

  1. Jaffa Cake Bars are to orangey what neutron stars are to dense. They require at least a cup of tea for the tongue to recover and allow you to taste non-orange things again
  2. Sunspot centre is not being correctly found by the new FIND_UMB_CEN() algorithm (method 4)
  3. I spent over an hour doing this this afternoon.

Good thing I'm a model of efficiency, eh? Urgh....

If anything, this day's been a large step backwards, but at least I spoke to Dad on the phone, so it's not all bad.

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