Thursday, 6 May 2004

I wouldn't even like to guess how much sleep I've had in the last three nights.

  • Tuesday: traditional early drunken waking, with a less traditional attempt at making breakfast while still a little cut. This consisted of combining muesli with the two small pots of citrus fruit yoghurt left in the fridge (no milk). This was taken back to bed in an attempt to ease myself into the situation in which I found myself. It was followed, post-shower, by scrambled egg (no bread = no 'on toast'). I was going for all the "goodness" I could cram into my cripped system in the hope it would all cancel out and I'd feel fine. See yesterday's account of Tuesday for what followed...
  • Wednesday: waking up unexpectedly and completely at 05:41. No idea why. Felt like something really bad was about to happen, heart-rate on the high side... Tried all the usual tricks of getting back to sleep (closing eyes, closing curtains, turning off light, hiding under duvet, hiding under duvet in the foetal position). With the usual success. At about ten-to-seven I gave in and got ready for work...
  • Today: I'd arranged with the Tall Chap to go swimming this morning, so when the alarm went off at 06:01, I dozed until the second alarm. Then turned on Nemone. Then sat and glowered at the alarm clock for twenty minutes before finally admitting that I had to get up. Consoled myself with the highly unlikely idea of coming back home post-swimming to go to bed for another hour. However, I got in here early, so I get the chance to try out the stuff that's been keeping me working late the last two nights.

So, in summary, I need to take it easy for the next two nights, as it's Chris' stag do this Saturday & Sunday, and I don't want to pass out fer that, now do I? :o)

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