Saturday, 14 February 2004

[Mirrored from the observing log at]
I thought a quick epilogueto the ObsLog was in order... and I've just found out that I have an extra hour to kill at DFW, too.

I've had an interesting few days arond Roswell and Alamogordo, and Roswell was a real surprise (pleaseforgive the bad typing, but this terminal's keyboard is horrible... worse than an iMac's :o)

I got quite a good night;s slep lastnight at the travelodge near El Paso airport, but I'm still shattered from two weeks of long days and early starts. I'm looking forward to my own bed, and if the heating's noisy I'mjust gong to turn it off.

The observin trip has been a good one, and I even managed to hhire a car in Roswell for 24 hours. Then the museum, which was a revelation. Anyway, It's somewhere arond 15:30 local time, then I can get on th plane and hopefully there'll be somegood fillums to watch.

Believe it or no, I'm slightly apprehensive about getting home. The trip has been a way of avoiding the real world for a while, butnow I'll be cast backin to the flamingpit. Or not... It might all be fine...

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