Tuesday, 4 December 2007

A burst of efficiency

Tonight I worked until after 9pm, after having arrived just after 9am.

I wrote a slot'n'stare movie-maker which'll take my long run and make it into a movie array. I wrote my second ever IDL object method (a handy one too!). I came home just before 10pm after cycling back. I ate dinner in matsuya. I took the rubbish out. I texted Casper (hopefully), the Cat (civilly, twice), and Yasu (friendlily?). I tidied up my Mac's desktop. I filled in the CO schedule in iCal. And I finally e-mailed some dates to my mum so that she can book a trip to come and visit me.

I need to work out these days, but sometimes I need to other stuff in life, too.

Today was a good day.

Wind 'er up, boys!

It seems that FedEx were able to deliver an identical elastic band, mere days after the prized engine of work at the Home for the Bewildered finally perished. R.I.P., small rubberised loop.

Thus, I am now able to receive and (rumour has it) send electronic mail from and to other humans. Or maybe just artificially intelligent robots. Or maybe genuinely intelligent robots. Who knows.

The point is, I am no longer cloaked from the world of Mr Cockup, so I eagerly await the next instalment of "Decisions Other People Don't Want to Make ®"!

Apart from that, though, I am enjoying the tide of Norwegian gently wafting across the partition from the friendly (and helpful!) Wikings.


Monday, 3 December 2007


It seems the rubber band finally snapped at the Home for the Bewildered, and communication is out.

Can't say as this pains me greatly, as the slew of e-mails telling me about Canadian chemists' latest special offers isn't something I really miss. However, it does make me wonder whether the world finally needs my help!

Mind you, they could just use my GMail address, seeing as that's a more stable one :o)

Pin pin!