I'm now back in my childhood home. Aside from the fussy internet access, and the parents' running commentary on what they find confusing about modern culture depicted on TV (hint: 98%), it's great to be back for a break.
The only other thing is that I'm away from my new flat. And there's no-one else there. That's weird. Except maybe The Cat; but I doubt he'll make the trip from Nakano-ku to Wild Wild Machida.
She's My Man has just come on the radio which brings back karaoke memories with the Brooks's in Round One two weeks ago. They'll be pleased...
Anyway, tomorrow, I'm off to Belfast to get fitted up to look like an idiot for Wednesday. Strangely at the same outfit hire place I went to for the geek formal nine years ago. Wonder if they still have my measurements on record. Could do with a laugh...
Odd being away from the Cat for this long a period now that we're actually getting along pretty well. He called today, bless him, just for a chat. He needs to get out more, but not the way that knocks him out for days.
Speaking of being knocked out... jetlag hasn't quite passed yet...
Must check out bus times for tomorrow, bus times for Tuesday, and a hotel for the night of the 10th.... Right, so!