Thursday, 26 October 2006

I eat a cheese sandwich

So f*cking what, you may well be thinking.

I'll tell you what.

For the last three days, I've been cramming the occasional morsel (about two bits of bread a day) into my pie-hole just to keep blood sugar levels above zero, all the while deciding which orifice is more likely to provide relief from the ongoing pressure build-up in the digestive system. On Monday evening, when this all kicked off (less than 24 hours after getting caught out in the rain in Shinjuku), it was decided by the blighters-that-be that it would be from the lower end, and what a production THAT was.

Then nothing for two days.

Then lastnight, a HOST of vomiting produced the first gastric relief of the week. Which was nice. Still no respite from the perma-headache which had been tootling along in the front of my head, feeling like a Californian forest fire had got lost and decided to take up residence. At 2:50 a.m. this morning, though (japanese-ish time, naturally), I stuck my earplugs in as a final desperate measure. And, by jingo, it seems to have helped. I slept, I woke, I was no longer as allergic as a vampire to all forms of visible light, and I was able to hold down more than a gulp of water!

I decided to return to sleep, feeling quite cold still, but a little happier now that my head wasn't trying to separate itself into little grey-and-red pieces.

Then the temporary boss rang to see if I was ok. Measurably so, I replied. Should be back on duty tomorrow, what!!

And then, at 12:10 today, while listening to an ACTUAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LOCAL STATION, a momentous thing happened.... appetite came back!

Ah, the restorative powers of a cheese sandwich...