It's now been four days since London got bombed in pretty horrific style. And the day was just surreal from beginning to end.
I started off unaware that anything was happening. Drove into town (parking restriction bollox) for a hurcut, and was cheerfully getting it washed, massaged and chopped while a phonecall tried to come through. I wasn't in a position to answer it, but texted Si back when I heard his voicemail. He was looking for Emma's number, but — having only met her twice of an evening — I didn't have it. I didn't understand the urgency at the time. Then I read Neil's text:
Feck. Seen the news? (09:52)
"No. Why....?"
(He's not in the habit of asking that question in a light-hearted fashion)
Explosions on the tube, he says. I wanted to get Mum something for her & Dad's 30th, so I wandered on down to the first jeweller's I could find. I asked them. They'd heard there might've been a power surge (TferL's first story, I think), and that it sounded pretty bad. I move on down to Earnest Jones and find a nice little necklace with some diamonds in it, buying it. At this stage, my head's a bit confused. I try ringing Simon again (it's now 10:30), and get through. He tells me what's happened, and that he's looking for Emma's number because a) he can't get through to Adrian and b) he remembered that Emma works near Liverpool Street. I tell him I've not got the number, but good luck. Feck.
Jewellery bought, but in need of a slash I'm en route to the shopping centre, then race back up to get the car before its ticket runs out. Just in time. I get home.
The inevitable traffic blockage in central London will only take a matter of time to spill out onto the radial roads, then the M25. I'm unsure whether I've got time for the breakfast I need, but decide I really DO need breakfast. And I really DO need to call everyone I can think of to see they're okay. Problem is, everyone else has got the same idea (apart from breakfast). None of the mobile networks gets me through. Sperm's the only person I have an office number. Reception puts me through... to his feckin voicemail! And I don't have Chris's surname, so I can't see if he's okay... Arse. Neil's number was the first I'd tried, but unsuccessfully.
In the midst of all this, about 11:30 (I want to leave at noon), the big Aussie rings me crying. He can't get through to Simon. Simon works in London. Not good. But I'm able to tell him he's okay, 'cos I spoke to him after all the blasts (I
hope they're over, I think to myself) have happened. He says he'll try to ring Haze, and I try to get through to the Big Fraser in the City. Eventually, I twig about the mobile networks and text himself to say that that's the reason we can't get through. I get through to Fraser. He's grand. And do I contact Age to tell him? Do I bollox. I'm in bit of a spin by this stage, so I'm not thinking. But I feel a right shit afterwards...
Anyway, at 12:30 I finally get on the road. A25 or M25... tricky. I've got to get to north-east Kent, so the M25 is the logical one, but the A25 mightn't suffer so much from the London butterly-wing effect. In the end I stay on the smaller one until Gatwick, then head north onto the M25. All's going okay (decent speed, if you get me) until I miss the junction for the M20. Which I really REALLY shouldn't have done.
They've closed the way across the estuary, and the queue back along the M25 is enormous. FUCK-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck.... You get the general emotion. It's an inarticulate expression of the phrase "I'm going to miss my flight". Not a happy face. In the mire, I text Chris to see if he and Sperm are okay. All is well. He even apologises for not being there on Friday night. (That's another blog entry in itself.)
However, I'm smiled upon. Because although I spend most of an hour crawling along the outside lane of a four-lane motorway, when I get off it, I'm flying along.
best of all, when I get to the airport (and it is tiny), and park the car, I've about 30 seconds' walk to the terminal, and about 30 seconds before I'm all checked in!
It's 15:10, and I haven't been so relieved in ages.
There is no bar. Time for some brief phonecalls (low battery) and then a coffee.